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Work, Life Lately

For months I've tried to come up with topics to write about and I've come to the conclusion that I'd just write when the spirit moves me to. So, I'm writing as I finally have some free time during the weekend. I pause to reflect on my journey.

My son is 8 months today and it has been the best time of my life. If you've read my last blog you'd know how I referred to it as a big oxymoron. Well, nothing has changed but the love has tripled. I love him a little more than I did yesterday and a little less than I will tomorrow. It's my pleasure to watch him grow daily. Not to mention that his dad makes being a mom and a partner such an enjoyable experience. There's no shortage of love, support, encouragement and reassurance. I can't believe we're almost at year one 🥹

I mentioned my son because he was one-half of my life change last year. I most recently accepted an opportunity to serve as the marketing director for the Virgin Islands Lottery. As much as I believe everything happens for a reason, I struggled at first with the thought of a new baby and a new job. I thought of the traveling I'd have to do, the late nights, early mornings, and weekends that would require my time and attention. Is it going to be fair to him? Can I do it when one parent isn't boots on the ground? Will I be asking much of my very small support system?

It was a position I couldn't give up so I just said a prayer and left it at two things: "God wouldn’t give me more than I can bear," and "He gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers." I'd figure it out. I am and will continue to.

It's funny how I was at a job for four years and traveled once per year just only to St. Thomas and now, as I'm tasked with raising a whole little human, traveling is a requirement. If be careful what you wished for was a person, it would be me.

When I first considered the job, I did a quick assessment on what I’d want out of it. I wanted to be sure that as a new mom, I’d be doing something that made me happy. Over the last 2 years, I applied to several jobs in the public relations/marketing fields. My ambition wouldn’t let me settle knowing I could give more of my time and talents in ways that exceeded the capacity of what I was currently doing. After a few rejections I took some time to figure out what I wanted out of my next move. At the time I was pregnant and had to consider what made me fulfilled so that I could show up at my best for my family. 


A few years ago I had a subscription to Masterclass and my favorite class session was led by former Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Elaine Welteroth. She taught “Designing Your Career.”

One of the methods to mapping out a blueprint for your career was discovering your Zone of Genius. It’s the intersection with your passion, values, talents, and skills meet.

The workbook prompt helps you figure it out. 


What is that thing that you could do all night, for

free, if somebody let you?”

For me, it was writing and talking. Thankfully, I get paid to do so educating people, getting them to see different perspectives, and learning through dialogue makes connecting with people special. We’re all different so accepting, respecting, and understanding those differences makes us value each other more. 


What matters more to you than money? Now ask yourself, “why?”

For me, it was family and charity.

Because I come from a loving, supportive family and it means the world to me to preserve the legacy and provide that structure to my son. My family has always showed up for me and I cherish any and all opportunities I get to spend with them, near and far. 

When it comes to charity, I love to give back. Any chance I get to give kindly and thoughtfully, I do. I only wish I could do it on a larger scale. In addition to my hard work and dedication, I’m where I am because of what other people put in to help me along on their journeys. 


What gifts do you naturally possess?

I think that I have the gift of gab, the gift of understanding, the gift of discernment, the gift of creativity. 


What are those skills that you’ve had to learn along your journey—the things that often require training and repetition and that sometimes can be cultivated from survival mechanisms?”

I’ve learned to adapt to any environment and personality. On a broad scale, I’m skilled at media and marketing products. I’m not expert level but I can create graphics; write scripts and produce audio advertisements; I have a working knowledge of the video production process; I understand social media spaces and how to use them effectively; and I can create and manage content for websites. 

I'm no gatekeeper so if you're interested, the workbook is here. Ultimately the guide is best paired with the video lesson but I hope its still as useful tool. It also includes advice and exercises that will help you discover your purpose and career direction.

Granted, in this economy the working class is simply trying to work to afford survival, if you can spend some time curating the life and career you want, discovering your zone of genius is a great start.

After my assessment, I quickly realized what I wanted was a job flexible enough to prioritize my family, a place I could spread my wings of creativity and work with creatives and an employer that understood what marketing and public relations really is.

Safe to say its working out for me so far. I'm grateful for the opportunity to effect change, execute a vision and be a valued member of a team of great professionals.

I've found my lane and plan on continuing on this journey.

Once I'm settled and seasoned, my next goal is to spread knowledge. I want the younger generation of marketing, public relations and communication professionals to have access to me and what I know from working in the industry and having the academic background. Whether I mentor some or hire entry-level candidates, I consider it a way to give back. I understand that I am here in the workforce for a limited amount of time. I promise to always be open-minded and acknowledge when I am no longer being productive or making a significant contribution to the work. This is a note for people to not be afraid to retire and let the young people take over.


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