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Writer's pictureKeva Muller

Tweets in Context: The Lifecycle of a Job?

This will be a quick entry because it’s actually frustrating to talk about.

On one front, employers champion the hiring of young professionals because they bring fresh, new insight to companies and organizations. Their youth comes with a level of innocence and ambition from the willpower to “conquer the world.” There’s also much to prove as a young employee. The fire is burning steadily.

On the other hand, some of the more senior employees appear to somewhat resent their jobs. That resentment turns them bitter and encourages complacency.

Could it be that those senior employees were once the same young and jovial workers who were excited about their careers?

What if years of rejected ideas paired with the lack of professional development opportunities created space for complacency? What if those employees adopted a “just go with the flow” mentality and made work another chore?

Employees spend more time awake at their jobs than at home. It should be fulfilling at the very least.

This is just food for thought. I don’t believe senior employees that are bitter and dismissive about their work entered the workplace that way.

Something happened. There was a shift over the years. Maybe other major life events got in the way. Or maybe it’s simply the life cycle of a job, I fear.

All I know is I won’t let that be me 🤞🏾


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