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Let’s talk about public relations. But first, my backstory.

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

This photo was probably taken with an iPhone5. Idk why it looks so old but I promise I'm a Millennial.

Quick but long backstory 😅 This may be a 2-3 part series so bear with me.


I wanted to go to law school. The summer after my freshman year of college at Florida Memorial University, I got a summer job at the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands. I worked alongside the brilliant and sharp Justice Maria Cabret. We occasionally spoke about a law career and law school, specifically Howard Univ, her alma mater. She had a law clerk whose worth ethic and drive I admired. He, like her, was sharp and pretty smart. I was in good company. This was what I wanted to do. Or so I thought.

I originally declared a criminal justice major, but I quickly learned that that degree was not the only or ideal pre-law track, unless you were interested in criminal defense. I was advised to earn a degree that honed in on my ability to write concisely, think critically, and reason justly.

During my second year of college, I enrolled in a core public speaking course. Based on my great written and verbal communication performance my professor, Dr. Salva sought me out and asked if I’d be interested in public relations. This was my first time even hearing about the industry. Initially, I was not interested because I was focused on being a lawyer and majoring in criminal justice. But because I'm such a people pleaser, I just agreed to register for the COM314 Principles of Public Relations course, which would still count as an elective toward my degree. That was her only ask.

The following semester I took the class and absolutely loved it. It was the first college course that had me sold on the idea of college as a worthy post-secondary education and less of an obligation. Dr. Salva had a lot to do with my interest. She was a great professor. She didn't treat us like high school students. She was strict but forgiving because you know, life. However, she held her students accountable for their continuing education commitment and more importantly, her syllabus. Our discussions connected the lessons to current events and real life. Her pedagogical approach to experiential learning made her an effective teacher. Might I add, to know her is to love her.

There are two things I left that intro to PR course with that has stayed with me to this day:
1. I came to the realization that I’d rather defend in the court of public opinion rather than the court of law because the justice scale hardly weighs ethics and morality;
2. Perception is reality. What people think is true, (or false) might as well be. It’s up to you to persuade or convince by way of education-this includes releasing factual, credible information.

Midway through the semester, I changed my major to Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. It was one of my best decisions to date.

The next two years until my graduation I would serve as the Vice President of the university’s Public Relations Student Society of America chapter; travel to the west coast to represent the school at a national conference; complete work-study with the university’s public affairs office; intern at the renowned Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County; and lead campaigns in partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation and the Switchboard of Miami.

I was a proud communications student. I just knew I’d make a career out of public relations. During that time, Scandal was the hottest new show on television and it quickly became my favorite for obvious reasons. I stan Olivia Pope and the very real Judy Smith.

I became low-key obsessed with the industry (and still am). I've read dozens of books. I actually bought every textbook for my major courses and read them cover to cover. I studied the life and theories of Mr. Edward Bernays. I even followed thought leaders in the industry on LinkedIn and Twitter. This was my passion and I was determined to make a fruitful career out of it. be continued :)

In part 2+, I’ll discuss my post-graduate career experience, my thoughts on public relations in the Virgin Islands, and what's next for me.


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