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Writer's pictureKeva Muller

New Tings.

I’ll try to keep this brief.

In the last couple of blog entries, I mentioned “what’s next” for me, but didn’t say what it actually was. That’s because I didn’t know myself. I was just entering a period of reflection and realizing that I want to do more besides the typical 8-5 work and home jig. All I know is that my talents are useful and I need to tap into them.

For years, my close friends and family encouraged me to start a PR firm. My response was always that I didn’t have an entrepreneurial bone in my body but truthfully, I was too lazy and too scared to begin the work. Being employable and maintaining employment was easy for me.

Following my 28th birthday last year, I started to want more out of and for myself. Over the years, I’ve built this confidence, awareness, and an insane passion for my career but yet I was unhappy doing the work at my job.

If you know, you know, my favorite app is Twitter. I was on there venting about where I’m supposed to be at this age and what my 30s should be looking like in a few years. It was somewhat nerve-wracking but I also don’t put too much pressure on myself about things like this. I was just having a moment. However, those thoughts live with me daily—where do I want to live? What do I want to be doing professionally in the next 5, or 10 years? Who do I want to surround myself with? What makes me happy? How can I curate the life I want for myself?

I’m not really into astrology but as I was venting, my Twitter mutual recommended I look up Saturn return. In summary, it’s an astrological event that happens every 27-30 years. Apparently, according to our trusted Wiki source, it’s when a person crosses over a major threshold and enters the next stage of life. After plenty of deep-dive research, I gathered that this is what I’m going through.

I don’t know what sparked it but one day I decided to quit being lazy and start my business. Honestly, laziness was a cover for fear. It was terrifying enough because I wasn’t born into a family of entrepreneurs and I didn’t know what I’d be getting myself into. I did however have a team of family, friends, and loved ones that supported me in everything I wanted to do.

I started the process and within 3 weeks I was off with a USVI business license.

So, introducing Muller Media Group, LLC, a start-up boutique public relations firm specializing in creative strategy, public/media relations, and marketing.

My goal is to provide individuals and small businesses/organizations with access to public relations thought leadership. In the USVI, strategic communication is typically limited to government and large businesses. It shouldn't be that way. Everyone can benefit from PR.

I usually tell people I’m much of a background worker. I’ll do the writing, strategizing, producing, and quality control so that you could shine. Notwithstanding that I am also a personality (I do hosting as well 🥰)

This is my starting line. I have no plans to quit my full-time right now but I am proud that I took that leap. I can’t wait to see where I’m at in the next 5 years.

I put together a simple website at (yes co and not com) for your viewing pleasure.

I have so much more I can and want to say but I promised to keep it brief. I’m happy with the birth of my lil baby and I can’t wait to see her grow.

A very special shoutout to my circle of friends and my partner. Throughout this process they were more supportive and encouraging than I could imagine. I love y’all so much.

And lastly, tell a friend, to tell a friend, to hire me lol 💖


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